Taesu Yim
My name is Taesu Yim.
I majored in mechanical design engineering and did research in areas such as district heating, smart metering, thermochemical heat storage, energy big data and heat energy network at KIER. In these studies, I worked on mechanical system design, automatic control, data science, etc.
Recently, I have been researching with interest in the field of robotics, especially mobile robot platforms.
I started this site to share my research findings.
2021 ~
Korea polytechnics / Professor
2019 ~ 2021
Chungbuk Technopark in Korea / Researcher
Graduated from Chungnam National University
2013 ~ 2018
Korea Institute of Energy Research / Researcher
OROHA is an open-source robot hardware architecture for research and education.
Most are designed with off-the-shelf parts that are easy to obtain, so anyone can look at the design files and build them.
OROHA is designed for outdoor use and has a payload of more than 100 kg, allowing the addition of various platforms.
Smart metering
Develop smart meters that can be used to measure heat energy demand in apartment house using district heating, collect and analyze data. A smart meter can collect and analyze more data than a typical calorimeter to provide information to the user. This can have a positive impact on the user's heat energy use. In addition, by using the collected data for research, various insights can be obtained, and heat supply companies can supply more efficient heat.
Thermochemical heat storage
Heat storage with a thermochemical reaction has the advantages of a high heat storage density and no heat loss compared to conventional methods such as sensible and latent heat. This method is promising to use in a thermal energy network because it is an efficient solution that addresses the time mismatch problem regarding heat production and consumption.
In the project, the repeated use characteristics of thermochemical materials were studied through experiments.
Optimal design for thermoelectric power generation
This study is a design of a furnace that generates electricity by collecting some of the heat generated from the combustion of a camping furnace (Energy Harvesting) and converting it into electrical energy. In most similar designs, electric fans or water is used to cool the cold side of the thermoelectric generator (TEG). However, the proposed design utilizes the air flow generated during the furnace's combustion process. For this, an optimal air flow path was designed and verified through CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and experiments. As a result of the experiment, the maximum temperature difference was 60oC or more, and a voltage of 12V or more was generated, confirming that power generation without an electric fan was possible through the optimal flow path design.